Bandai Digimon Adventure: Digivice
Digivice is the most important item used by the main characters in the anime Digimon
Adventure:, with which the digimons can evolve into more powerful form and fight with more
dangerous enemies.
A map system is available, allows users to adventure with their partner digimon on the all 11
areas of the Digital world.
More than 100 digimons form Digimon Adventure: will appear.
Users can enjoy the evolution of digimons AND the battles between digimons along with their
The product has LED lights in 8 colors, which allow it to present several scenes form the anime
such as the evolution and the battle.
A roulette game is available for the battle, allow users to help their partner digimon by winning
the roulette.
New digimons will join the team if user keeps winning.
DIGITAL MONSTER ver. THE ORIGION, the reproduction of the DIGITAL MONSTER ver.20
released in 2017 is also available from now. Two colors, grey and brown are available.
DIGITAL MONSTER ver.20 was renewed form the legendary handheld game DIGITAL MONSTER
which has been sold over 80 million pieces since released in 1997.
Allows users to raise and evolve their digimons.
■About the anime Digimon Adventure:
New anime broadcast every Sunday morning, form the Digimon Adventure anime series
broadcast 1999~2007. Also available on Netflix.
A story about 8 chosen children, their adventures and how they save the world with digimons.
■About Digital Monster
The name of the digital creatures who live in the digital world. Digital monster is the only
species lives in the digital world, which is similar to the real world. Various kinds of digital
monster exist, continue to increase since the expansion of the digital world.
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